Beware of fake honey!
Doesn’t honey all taste the same?
The answer is no. Local honey ” is as different from the Chinese honey on supermarket shelves as a 100-year old Scotch is to moonshine!” — Landi Simone of Gooserock Farm. Just like fine wine there are verities as Black Locust, Linden, Blueberry, Clover and many more. Also, each year’s harvest brings a quality to itself. This can be likened to the vintage year of a wine.
Our honey is local. Our colonies are mostly located in Morris County, Convent Station area near Loantaka Park Reservation, with smaller harvests from Essex County West Orange area South Mountain Reservation. The U.S. Food and Drug administration defines honey as follows: “The nectar extraction of plants, gathered, modified and stored in combs by honeybees.”